Our donor community includes the governments of both host and non‑host countries and intergovernmental organizations.
Through our services we support their emergency preparedness and response efforts, while their generous support ensures that we are able to provide standard services, including storage, free of charge. Our donors also work alongside members of the WFP Executive Board as part of the UNHRD Group of Friends, raising awareness of our work across the humanitarian community.

EU flag

European Union

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) at the European Commission, in addition to supporting the set-up of our Network in 2007 and offering ad hoc contributions to our running costs, has expanded their partnership by establishing strategic regional stockpiles across our hubs. Under the European Humanitarian Response Capacity, the EU mobilizes these stocks to emergency responses and makes them available free-of-charge and covers their transport costs for the benefit of the wider humanitarian partner community, including through our supply chain solutions.   

Ghana flag


The Government of Ghana generously hosts our hub in Accra which became operational in 2007. Thanks to the support of the host country and other donors, the hub has since then been critical in enabling emergency preparedness and response efforts in West Africa and across the African continent.

Ireland flag


The Government of Ireland has been one our key non-host donor countries since 2006, contributing to our expansion into a global network. Ireland was instrumental in the completion of our facilities in Accra, has continuously contributed to the running costs of our Network, deployed staff from the Irish Aid Rapid Response Corps to work with us and supported strategic initiatives to improve our efficiency and sustainability. Through Irish Aid, they also rely on our supply chain solutions for their emergency preparedness and response efforts.

Italy flag


By envisioning the creation of our hub in Brindisi, the first UNHRD to be established and which served as a model to create our Network, the Government of Italy is our most longstanding supporter. Since its inception in 2000, the Ministry of Defence provides free-of-charge premises while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation covers the annual running costs of the hub as well as contributing to the Network. They have also provided additional facilities and funded the expansion of the hub. Through the Italian Cooperation, they also rely on our supply chain solutions for their global relief efforts.  


Malaysia flag


Malaysia first hosted a World Food Programme’s staging area, managed by UNHRD, during the 2004 Tsunami response. This experience contributed to the creation of our network. A basic agreement between the Government of Malaysia and the World Food Programme officially established UNHRD Kuala Lumpur in 2010. Since then, the Government of Malaysia generously hosts and covers the running costs of the hub. 

Panama flag


The Government of Panama and the World Food Programme signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2008 which officially established a UNHRD at the Tocumen International Airport in Panama City. The Ministry of External Relations of Panama hosted the hub at the Pacífico International Airport from 2016 to 2021. Since 2020, the Ministry of Government hosts UNHRD Panama within the Regional Logistics Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (CLRAH). In 2023, the Government of Panama contributed for the first time to the running costs of the hub.

Switzerland flag


Since 2013, Switzerland has been a regular and generous supporter of the UNHRD network. They provide yearly financial contributions and, thanks to a stand-by partnership agreement, have seconded experienced staff to work with UNHRD. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) signed in 2012 a Technical Agreement with the World Food Programme for the use of UNHRD’s services. 

UAE flag

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a longstanding supporter of UNHRD, having generously contributed to the set-up of the network in 2006 and since then hosted our hub in Dubai. Today, this is generously hosted within Dubai Humanitarian which, in addition, regularly provides strategic operational support during emergency operations, such as facilitating airlifts. Since 2023, the Government of Dubai also covers the running costs of UNHRD Dubai.